The Journals section is an ideal place to store a daily diary. It works in a similar fashion to the Notes section accept there is no folders navigator. Instead, the journal uses dates to navigate. This is so you can create journals for specific dates. It is possible to create more than one journal for a date, they are listed under the calendar in the Journals section.
Select a date from the journals calendar and the journal entries for the chosen date is shown underneath on the left side. Selecting an entry from this list will open the journal entry for viewing in the main viewing area on the right.
The journal entries can be flagged and customized much the same way as a folder in the other navigators.
See Folders for more information on managing and customizing items.
Creating, editing, deleting and viewing journals can only be done in the Journals sections.
To Go To The Journals Section
Choose from the Main Menu "File/Go To Section/Journal", or
Click on the Main Section Toolbar icon:
Journal, or
Press the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+6
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